/* decleration section in this sections we will decleared the different value and include the header file which we are using in this program to run this program */
int pf_count=0;
int nf_count=0;
/* this sections is known as defined section in which we defined the rule and regulation of regular expression which will going to accept or not */
[+]?([0-9])+(\.([0-9])+)? {
/* this is for fraction as eg: 2.03, +1 ,+0.3*/
pf_count++; printf("Positive fraction Integer:%s\n",yytext);}
[-]([0-9])+(\.([0-9]+))? {
/* this will accept the negative fraction as eg: -3.3,-6 */
nf_count++; printf("Negative fraction Integer:%s\n",yytext);}
/* main function for calling the function */
void main(int argc[],char *argv[])
printf("the total number of Postive Integer are: %d\n" ,pf_count);
printf("the total number of Negative Integer are:%d\n",nf_count);
download the file
run this program we need to do some steps as follows
1 step- save as .l extension and run "flex filename.l "
2 step- there would be a c program generated by flex analyser which may be "lex.yy.c" run this file as this command "gcc lex.yy.c -o first -ll" or "cc lex.yy.c -o first -ll"
3rd step- for output "./a.out " and enter the input after complete input press ctrl + D so that input sections will complete ,it will display the result
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